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Are you interested in volunteering in a way to help support the day-to-day operations at EMS? Please contact Carol Miner in the front office (303-982-5014).

EMS Composting Parent Volunteers

Parents, did you know that EMS and most other schools waste about 80 lbs of food per day at lunch? In partnership with Evergreen Sustainability Alliance, our school’s Green Team has been hard at work to introduce a composting program at lunch to reduce our food waste. To make it a reality, we need parent volunteers to help us take our food waste to our local King Soopers. All we need is one parent per school day willing to pick up our food waste at the end of lunches (after 2:30 p.m.) and take it to King Soopers. If you have a few extra minutes, you can also help monitor the food waste collection at lunches. If you would like to learn more or be a volunteer – weekly, a few times per month, or as a backup – please contact Ms. Fliss at Thanks for your help.