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Academic Support

At Evergreen Middle School academic support is provided for both struggling students and those in need of academic enrichment. Support can encompass a range of services designed to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve academic success. This support often includes homeroom support, which provides assistance in study skills, social emotional learning, team building and additional time to connect with teachers. Homeroom also provides opportunities for enrichment beyond what can be done in the classroom. Staff can also offer guidance on effective study habits, time management, and organizational strategies.

Counselors are available to offer guidance as well as opportunities to help students manage stress and maintain mental well-being. Students can also be supported by our instructional support team, instructional coach, mental health team, and/or GT support team. These support systems are intended to empower students to reach their full academic potential. Academic support at EMS is rooted in the Universal Tier 1 levels of intervention and as students are identified as needing more, our team of professionals has structures and protocols to individualize the necessary support for all learners.